Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil is one of the men who have stepped up to bristle and bar their teeth at the new sane direction the world is heading. If saying outrageous things and playing the media were enough to make things go his way he would have already won, but now he feels his hold on power slipping away. To drive his point home (his point of being the boss) he doesn’t hesitate to do real harm by stirring his followers into a frenzy. He will happily damage democratic institutions beyond repair if that’s what it takes. He will even try to destroy the land. As president of Brazil, he has satisfied his ego by destroying the Amazon, the very thing needed for the survival of the human race. He does this I suppose, because he thinks it helps him win reelection. And now, in order to convince voters to support him, Bolsonaro challenges God to “oust” him. To be specific, he challenged God by saying that only God could oust him.

Maybe he was caught up in some kind of diabolical frenzy when he performed this latest stunt. Because, considering the worldwide effects of his policies in the Amazon, his presidency has demonstrated sheer evil. Does he think he is waging war against the left, or that he’s making a political statement? Does he think God approves of such cruelty in the name of right-wing hubris? If Bolsonaro had any self-understanding at all, if he knew God at all, he never would have uttered those words.