The symbol for American medicine is the caduceus of Hermes Trismegistus. The figure of Hermes has troubling connotations as an overseer of the medical profession. For example, he is known as a liar, thief, and trickster. Sadly, American medicine seems to have taken on the characteristics of Hermes Trismegistus. Reform is needed, perhaps beginning with the symbol, but continuing on to the field of medicine.
Today, runaway healthcare costs and inaccessibility of medical care have revived interest in the caduceus of Hermes, the liar, thief and trickster god. Who is Hermes, and why is his caduceus the symbol of American healthcare?
The process by which Hermes’ caduceus came to symbolize medicine is full of confusion and mistaken associations. There may have also been an element of guile worthy of Hermes the…
I have already cited Mike Stathis’ book, “America’s Healthcare Solution,” which is the source of the following summary. I chose a few connections that seem the most crucial. It’s not…