Divisions in the Postwar Fascist International
Oswald Spengler was inside the Munich Beer Hall on November 8, 1923, when Hitler launched his putsch. Such encounters convinced him that the Nazis were the worst sort of proletarized…
Oswald Spengler was inside the Munich Beer Hall on November 8, 1923, when Hitler launched his putsch. Such encounters convinced him that the Nazis were the worst sort of proletarized…
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469--1527) is often interpreted as a cynic, or as a philosopher of political evil. But according to a Jacobin article, "Machiavelli was a republican idealist whose support for popular rule can inspire struggles against the oligarchies of today."
Professor Wen Yang wonders how it is possible that Machiavelli's treatise, when it finally appeared, was able to change the course of Western political philosophy. He believes that the core of the problem was the innate deficiencies of Western civilization. And these began very early. The problem with the West is that it did not experience the Axial Age.
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