Political Zionism is an Anachronism
Morris Jastrow wrote in 1919 that Israel is a 'glorified ghetto'. When you think about it, the conditions of Jewish life before the Enlightenment have been perfectly reproduced in Palestine.
Morris Jastrow wrote in 1919 that Israel is a 'glorified ghetto'. When you think about it, the conditions of Jewish life before the Enlightenment have been perfectly reproduced in Palestine.
In the last century, events have transpired with no relation to the understanding Morris Jastrow Jr. tried to convey. The result is that in spite of his efforts, Zionism has prospered.
Zionism was premised on anti-Semitism Zionism has ruined the Jewish people. Today, the world blames Israel for what has happened to the Palestinians. However, the inhabitants of Israel are pawns.…
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