The Birth of Aquarius and Human Civilization

Today people look forward to the New Age, or they fear it.  Religious believers are probably the largest group of people who fear the age of Aquarius.   They may not believe that an age has real influence on the world, but they fear New Age belief systems and alternative lifestyles.

Should we care about the new age?

But if that’s all there is to it, should we care about the New Age?  I think we should.  For one thing, there may be a connection between the birth of Aquarius and human civilization.  However, there is reason for concern as well as hope.  One reason for concern is that our expectations of the New Age are all wrong.

Reasons for Concern

I believe New Age movements are mistaken about the nature of the Age of Aquarius.  This could make their belief systems incorrect.   You might think this is nothing to worry about.  How effective can they be if they don’t know what they’re talking about?  However, belief systems have power even if they are mistaken–or especially if they are mistaken.  The Nazis had an elaborate belief system based on wishful thinking.  Nazi beliefs about race led directly to the Holocaust.

Mistaken ideas about the birth of Aquarius might also prolong transition to the New Age.   Our current social and political turmoil might be a result of mistaken ideas about the New Age.

Helena Blavatsky, Nazi Racism, and Pisces

Helena Blavatsky was the main influence behind Nazi beliefs about race.  In the theosophical system developed by Blavatsky, she claimed that Lucifer is not a bad character.  She said he was given a bad reputation by the Catholic Church.

Theosophy is Saivism, or worship of the Hindu god Siva.  I believe Siva is identical with Lucifer, the deity of Theosophy.

In The Hindu Pantheon, Edward Moor associates Siva with the Planet Jupiter.  The Age of Pisces was ruled by the Planet Jupiter, so Pisces belonged to Siva.  The Planet Saturn was also said to belong to Siva during the Age of Pisces, probably because the Planet Saturn is central to every age of the world.  But Saturn does not belong to Siva.  It belongs to Brahma.

We can’t say for sure whether the New Age will have any real influence on the world aside from human belief systems.  Therefore, should we care about the New Age?  This article is my attempt to explain why we should.

The Birth of Aquarius Will Happen Without Us

We may not be able to explain how a change in the cosmic order will affect the world, but we know that human beliefs about this change have already had a negative influence.  This suggests the importance of gaining a correct understanding of the Age of Aquarius.  Edward Moor’s Hindu Pantheon is a good place to start.  He connects these deities to specific planets, and planets are important in the changing of the cosmic order.

Moor explains that Siva and Brahma have different characteristics and preside over different types of societies. Siva is associated with the Planet Jupiter, the god Hermes, and Hermeticism.  Aquarius is not associated with these things.  But Hermetic influence has increased in the last few centuries.  This should not be happening. Siva will not rule Aquarius.  Brahma will rule the Age of Aquarius.

There is nothing supernatural about the increase in Hermetic influence.  It is the result of human activity.  It is possible that the people involved in this effort mistakenly believed Saturn was Siva’s planet.  Since Saturn rules the Age of Aquarius they assumed Siva would rule Aquarius.  It is also possible that it was not a mistake.  This is reason for concern in itself.  Either way, this is not a small matter.  It has had serious consequences for human societies.

Should we care about the New Age?  The New Age will be born one way or the other, regardless of human error.  It is important that we understand its true nature.

Ancient Jewish Views on Astrology

Madame Blavatsky’s Occult Imprisonment by Rudolf Steiner

I’m not recommending Rudolf Steiner–I don’t know enough about him for that.  But the above link is a plausible explanation for what happened to Madame Blavatsky.

The Full Moon in Aquarius

The Mystery of Saturn in Pisces

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